♪ 12月 Jane's New Generation TOEFL iBT特訓講座
そういった魅力あふれたiBT、TG誇る名物講師、Jane先生コンダクトのもと、 トレーニングを行っています。
なお、随時グループ形式のiBT Workshopも開催していますので、
上記 Jane先生ないしinfo@tg.liberal-arts.comまでお問い合わせください。
以下 、iBT WorksshopのAgendaです;
12月 9日(土)16:00 − 19:00 Integrated
12月30日(土)16:00 − 19:00 Integrated
♪ Next Generation iBT: So little time left and so much to do!!!♪
Cramming for the iBT won’t work, but getting a good overview, and then,
working systematically on the skills you need is the way to go!
●Is it really more difficult than the old TOEFL?
○Yes! But the consolation is that after studying for it you will be much better
prepared to function in an English-speaking academic environment.
●What does the test look like?
○Something you will notice right away is that the old structure section is gone
and a speaking section has been added in its place. The grammar is evaluated
on your written and spoken responses throughout the test.
●How different is it from the old paper and EBT versions?
○Very different! It has new kinds of questions, passages, sections and the addition
of integrated skills.
For instance, integrated skills ask you to:
★ listen to a passage and speak about it
★ take notes on reading and listening passages and then paraphrase and synthesize
the key points in a written response. ★ take notes on reading and listening
passages and paraphrase and synthesize the key points in a spoken response.
○By the time you finish studying for the new iBT TOEFL you will be able to:
★ take notes, paraphrase, summarize, and synthesize ideas in English
★ recognize rhetorical purpose in statements that are made
★ recognize restatements of long and difficult sentences
★ understand why a speaker is saying something and how he feels about it
★ understand natural language with American, Australian and British accents.
○Analysis: There are two types of integrated speaking tasks
1. Read ミ Listen ミ Speak (2 questions)
Read (100 words) Listen to a conversation or lecture (1-2 min.)
Speak in response to a question (45-60 sec)
2. Listen ミ Speak (2 questions)
Listen to a conversation (1-2 min.)
Listen to a lecture (1-2 min)
Speak in response to the question (45-60 sec.)
There is one type of integrated writing task (1 question)
Read (250-300 words)
Listen to a lecture (200-300 words)
Write a response to a question (150-225 wds/20 min.)
This may sound easy, one minute here and one minute there ミ but, the challenge
is speed and accuracy!
It all has to be done quickly.
TG encourages you to save time by:
*Use your GMAT verbal and AWA studies for your iBT
*Study independently for the Reading and Listening sections of the iBT.
*Focus on the integrated tasks with a teacher who can correct your speaking
and writing tasks individually.
It takes a little time and patience to develop these skills.
Steady and systematic practice will win the day!
New Generation TOEFL iBTは、 英語資格試験としてグローバルスタンダードであるだけではなく、
新しくSpeakingとIntegrated sectionも加わり、
いよいよ本当の英語ハンドリング能力を判定育成するのに 効果的なテストとなっています。
▼ http://www.ets.org/portal/site/ets/menuitem.1488512ecfd5b8849a77b13bc3921509
New Generation TOEFL iBT Immersion Programでは、 それをどう攻略していくか。。。。
いや、小手先の攻略ではなく、 本当の英語力をどうやって培って、 それをこの新たな試験に発揮していくか、 そのような集中特訓を行います。
ご予約、ご相談は、 info@tg.liberal-arts.comないし03 5771 7451まで。