♪ Hult International Business School Info Session 正規学校説明会
2月28日(日) 18:15より 青山TGセミナーにおいて
米国ボストンのHult International Business Schoolの正規学校説明会を行います。
Presenter: Ms Sarah Lee (HULT Director of MBA Programs, Admission Office,
●日時 2月28日(日) 18:15
●場所 青山TGセミナー
●予約、お問い合わせ info@tg.liberal-arts.com
以下、 Sarahからのメッセージです:
Hult International Business School (formerly known as the Arthur D. Little
School of Management) is
the first global business school with operations in Boston, San Francisco,
London, Dubai and Shanghai.
The school offers a range of business-focused programs including MBA, Master, Undergraduate and Executive degrees.
Ranked in the top 6 International Business School in the world and top
25 in the U.S. by the Economist Intelligence Unit,
Hult has also been placed in the top 1 % of all business schools by the
Financial Times, as well as ranking it sixth for international mobility.
1. Watch the MBA Video: http://www.hult.edu/mba-program/index
2. Download Brochure: http://www.hult.edu/mba-program/download-brochure?partner=mailmerge
3. Apply Now: http://hult.topapply.com/?counter=mailmerge&source=316&mchannel=3
●理論を実践に変える多くの機会(Action Learning Method)
HULTはいわゆる「将来価値」の高い学校、例年、「もっと前に知っておけばよかった。。。」 と、
HULTを御検討の方はもちろん、まだあまり知らない方も、 ちょっと「道がみえなくなっている」方も、ぜひ!