Business School Information Session& Party!
★HULT International MBA Admin説明会&Thanksgiving Partyお知らせ

HULT International Adminによる正規学校説明会& Partyを、青山TGセミナーで行います。
HULT Internationalは、ボストン本部はじめ、サンフランシスコ、ロンドンデユバイ、上海と
青山TGセミナーは、HULT International (Arthur D. Little) 黎明期より12年以上に渡り親しい交流のある学校です。


持ち寄りも歓迎 です。
Porcovino様、Suntory様ご寄贈ワイン、プレミアムビール、食材活用させていただきます!) は、TG Alum北出さん@Inseadスタートアップの企業です)

以下、HULT International Administrator Ms. Eriko Aparceroからのご案内です。▼
Thanksgiving with HULT International Business School in Tokyo!

Hult has long been attracting students from around the world, reflecting the diversity of an increasingly global workforce. Hult, with campuses in the world’s three main economic regions – the Americas, Asia and Europe, has become the most truly global International Business School in the world. Come and join the MBA Associate Director and alumni in Tokyo on Saturday, November 24th to discover the culture, the truly international experience, and its admission processes to embark from 2013.

2012 Hult’s class profile

Student’s readiness to embrace educational diversity is increasingly popular. Hult’s more than 2,400 students speak more than 100 languages, and over 34% of students are trilingual. More than 20% of students hail from emerging BRIC economies, and 40% of the students are female. The mobility of Hult’s students is also significant, with 60% finding work outside of their country of origin after graduation.

About Hult International Business School

Hult is the world’s most international business school with campuses in Boston, San Francisco, London, Dubai, Shanghai, and rotation centers in New York City and São Paulo. The School offers a range of business-focused programs including MBA, Executive MBA, Master and Bachelor degrees. Hult’s one-year MBA program is ranked 1st in Post-Graduate Salary Increase by The Economist, as well as, 1st in International Experience and 3rd in International Business by the Financial Times.

▼Info & Agenda▼

●日時  11月24日(土)(18:50開場)19:00-
 ■第一部 Hult学校説明会:19:00-20:00
 ■第二部 Thanksgiving Party: 20:00-

●場所  青山TGセミナー (アクセスはご予約の方にお知らせします)

 ■Thanksgiving Party:

       ◆Hult関係者、新TG Alum およびパートナー ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・無料 
       ◆その他、青山TGセミナー ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・1,000円


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