








TOEFLでは、英作文(英文エッセイ)を書くことが求められますが、英文エッセイには、単なる文法や語法以上の、明確な作文法のロジックとルールがあります。日本のTOEFL受験者の多くがTOEFL Writingに伸び悩んでいるのは、その作文法の真っ当なトレーニングを受けてきていないことが大きな一因です。「Creative英作文」講座では、英作文法の正規のトレーニングと、楽しんで英文を書いていくコツを学んでいきます。


Creative英作文」Sneak Preview


When I was thirteen, I had an inspiring teacher, who one day went right through the class of boys asking each one, “What do you want to be remembered for?” None of us, of course, could give an answer.  So, he chuckled and said, “I didn’t expect you to be able to answer it.  But if you still can’t answer it by the time you are fifty, you will have wasted your life.” 

          We eventually had a sixtieth reunion of the high school class.  Most of us were still alive, but we hadn’t seen each other since we graduated, and so the talk at first was a little stilted. Then one of the fellows asked “Do you remember Father Pfliegler and that question?”  We remembered it.  We all remembered it.  And each one said it had made all the difference to him, although they didn’t really understand that until they were in their forties.

          At twenty-five, some of us began trying to answer it and, by and large, answered it foolishly.  Joseph Schumpeter, one of the greatest economists of this century, said, at twenty-five that he wanted to be remembered as the best horseman in Europe, the greatest lover in Europe, and as a great economist. 

        By age sixty, just before he died he was asked the same question again.  He no longer talked of horsemanship and he no longer talked of women.  He said he wanted to be remembered as the man who had given early warning of the dangers of inflation.

        That is what he is remembered for and it is worthwhile being remembered for. Asking that question changed him, even though the answer he gave at twenty-five was singularly stupid, even for a young man of twenty-five.

        Im always asking that question : what do you want to be remembered for?  It is a question that induces you to renew yourself, because it pushes you to see yourself as a different person the person you CAN become.  If you are fortunate, someone with the moral authority of a Father Pfliegler will ask you that question early enough in your life so that you will continue to ask it as you go through life.



2013 1228日(sat  19:00-20:30

2013 1230日(mon  17:00-18:30

2013 1231日(tue  17:00-18:30


●予約、問合  info@tg.liberal-arts.com  (要予約。日時の指定をお願いします)


●場所 札幌カフェ 2F  http://sapporo-cafe.jp/

            札幌市北区北8条西5丁目2-3 札幌公務員受験学院ビル


●参加費 1,000

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